Field trips & educational tours
Stop in Italy can be the travel planner for your field trip in Italy and all over Europe.
Over 25 years experience as tour operator dealing with High Schools, Colleges and Universities, other than wholesalers, companies and other player in the travel sector, have made Stop in Italy one of the biggest Italian full-service destination management companies, able to design educational tours tailored according to the client’s specific needs and expectations.
Thanks to the excellent relationship with our hotels, local supplies and airline partners, we can provide a wide selection of travel services at all the requested levels, in the shortest possible time and at the right cost.
Our professional staff will guarantee you constant assistance and quality for all of your requests, carrying out all necessary research, planning the most comfortable and interesting programs, negotiating the best prices and making all the necessary bookings.
We will take care of every detail and everything will be carefully planned. And, should anything go wrong either at home or away, we provide emergency helplines 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in order to be reachable in any moment of your educational tour

For your field trips and educational tours in Europe, rely on our competitive rates, strict quality checks and wide range of services:
Personal, professional assistance throughout
Cost effective, tailor-made travel solutions
Detailed itineraries and full destination information for your students
Accommodations in 3, 4, and 5 star hotels conveniently located according to your needs
Comfortable transfers in air-conditioned buses
English speaking tour guides and experts with excellent local knowledge
Lunches and dinners
Technical visits and sightseeing tours
Prepaid vouchers for all the attractions and museums
Train, boat and events tickets
Local excursions to learn the local culture and history
Team building activities
Sport activities (golf, horse riding, diving etc)
Cooking classes and wine tasting tours